Addiction to drugs and alcohol encompasses more than a behavioral intervention. The reason for this is drug addiction is a complex disease, however, it is treatable. Like chronic illnesses such as hypertension and asthma, relapse can occur with drug addiction even after extended periods of continued abstinence. For this reason, repeated treatments may be necessary. Treatments should be tailored to the individual in order to be more effective and long lasting, therefore allowing people to live long and productive lives.
In a study conducted in 2004, 22.5 million American needed treatment for substance abuse. Out of this large number, only 3.8 million received help (NSDUH2004).Leaving substance abuse and addiction cases untreated, though in the short-term can save money, in the long-term can lead to many extraneous costs to society. Some of these things include: court and criminal costs, emergency room visits, prison costs, child abuse and neglect, foster care, welfare costs, healthcare utilization, reduced productivity and unemployment.
For every dollar spent on addiction treatment, there is a four to seven dollar reduction in the cost of crimes related to drugs. In 2002, it was estimated that $181 billion dollars was the cost to society for drug use. Over $500 billion was spent when including tobacco and alcohol costs. This includes lost productivity, healthcare and criminal justice costs. Substance abuse programs that are run successfully and efficiently can help society in more than one way. Not only can they assist the person in need, they can also help reduce the amount of sexually transmitted disease that are spread such as HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis. In addition, crime and costs to society can also be reduced. So, the question comes, how can one develop an effective treatment program?
Effective Treatment Guidelines
Research has been conducted since the 1970s shows that treatment can help people avoid relapse, change destructive behaviors, and take them out of a life of substance abuse and addiction. Treatment tends to be a long term process and can require several episodes of treatment. This research has helped lay down the structure on which effective treatment programs should be based.
• Treatment does not need to be voluntary to be effective.
• For certain types of disorders, medications are an important element of treatment, especially when combined with counseling and other behavioral therapies.
• No single treatment is appropriate for all individuals.
• Treatment needs to be readily available.
• Effective treatment attends to multiple needs of the individual, not just his or her drug addiction.
• Remaining in treatment for an adequate period of time is critical for treatment effectiveness.
• Addicted or drug-abusing individuals with coexisting mental disorders should have both disorders treated in an integrated way.
• An individual’s treatment and services plan must be assessed often and modified to meet the person’s changing needs.
• Medical management of withdrawal syndrome is only the first stage of addiction treatment and by itself does little to change long-term drug use.
• Possible drug use during treatment must be monitored continuously.
• Counseling and other behavioral therapies are critical components of virtually all effective treatments for addiction.
• Treatment programs should provide assessment for HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B and C, tuberculosis, and other infectious diseases, and should provide counseling to help patients modify or change behaviors that place themselves or others at risk of infection.
• As is the case with other chronic, relapsing diseases, recovery from drug addiction can be a long-term process and typically requires multiple episodes of treatment, including "booster" sessions and other forms of continuing care.
An All Encompassing Treatment
When treating an individual for addiction treatment, it is important for the individual as a whole to be looked at. Usually, treatment begins with detoxification which is followed by treatment and relapse prevention. Initially, in order to ease the individual into treatment, medications may be needed in order to control symptoms of withdrawal. All encompassing care includes mental health services, medical care and of course aftercare. In order to make sure that someone in recovery continues to stay there is to make sure all bases have been covered. Follow up options such as community or family based recovery support systems can be essential to acquiring and maintaining a life that is free of drug use and abuse.
Medications can help in various different fashions. In some cases, coming off of a substance can be life threatening and medication is necessary. Often times, the symptoms of withdrawal can be so severe that medication is necessary. This is not considered treatment; it is however, the first step in the process of recovery. Going through withdrawal treatment is not sufficient. If one does not receive further treatment, it is like not receiving treatment at all.
Using chemical substances can help to establish brain functioning that may have gone awry. At present medications are available to help reestablish pathways for addiction related to heroin, morphine (opioid) and nicotine (tobacco). Other medications are currently being developed for treatment of cocaine and methampetamines (stimulants) and marijuana (cannabis) addictions.
Methadone and buprenorphine act as antagonists on brain receptors which means that they block the pathways which opiates like heroin take. This helps to block the drugs effects, suppresses symptoms of withdrawal and can even reduce the incidence of cravings. Ideally, this helps patients to stop drug seeking behaviors and activities that may be criminally related. Thereby, patients should be more focused on treatment having reduced many outside stimuli.
Behavioral Treatments
This is a very important part of effective therapeutic treatment. Stopping substance abuse habits is only effective if behaviors change, therefore, attitudes have to be changed so that a healthy lifestyle is maintained. Life skills need to be altered, unhealthy patterns need to be changed. In addition, medication effectiveness is usually better, and this can help people stay in treatment longer which will hopefully improve the likelihood of the individual staying clean.
Outpatient behavioral treatment can include a wide variety of programs. Most include group or individual counseling. Some of the more popular forms of treatment include the following behavioral treatment programs:
• Motivational Incentives (contingency management), which uses positive reinforcement to encourage abstinence from drugs.
• Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, which seeks to help patients recognize, avoid, and cope with the situations in which they are most likely to abuse drugs.
• Motivational Interviewing, which capitalizes on the readiness of individuals to change their behavior and enter treatment.
• Multidimensional Family Therapy, which addresses a range of influences on the drug abuse patterns of adolescents and is designed for them and their families.
Residential treatment can be very helpful, even more so for individuals with severe problems. Therapeutic communities are structured programs in which patients remain for half a year to twelve months. Those in treatment usually have long histories of drug addiction, have often been involved in criminal activity and may have reduced social functioning. Treatment communities have become so evolved that they may also be structured to accommodate women who are pregnant or have children. The purpose of treatment communities is to help the individual learn how to behave in society without drugs.
In conclusion, with the proper mix of effort on the part of the individual, the proper care by practitioners, medications and community, a formula for success on the part of the substance user can be acquired. With that formula put in motion, an addict can become a former one and go on to live a happy and fulfilling life.
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15 years ago
Drug fixation Treatment method short lived solution so much Roughly appraise In about one self For the reason that In the region of Pieces of paper detoxifying Normally body. Drug Intervention